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LitMag publishes an annual print journal as well as online exclusives.  Visit

What we publish - Fiction, Nonfiction; Poetry
What We Look For - Work that moves and amazes us. We are drawn to big minds, large hearts, sharp pens
Word Count Limits - LitMag (print): 15,000 words; Litmag Online: 4,000 words
What We Pay - LitMag Print: Upon acceptance, we pay $300 for fiction and nonfiction (5,000+ words); $150 for fiction and nonfiction (2,500-4,999 words); $100 for a short short (flash); $100 for a poem or group of short poems. LitMag Online: Upon acceptance, we pay $125.. LitMag acquires First English-language print and electronic rights. Copyright reverts to the author upon publication. 

When We Are Open for Submissions -

Fiction is open: 10/1 to 12/15; 3/1 to 5/31
Poetry is open:  10/1 to 12/15; 3/1 to 5/31
Nonfiction is open:  10/1 to 12/15; 3/1 to 5/31
LitMag Online (F, P, NF) is open: 10/1 to 12/15; 3/1 to 5/31

General Guidelines
Please submit only once in each category and wait until you receive our response before submitting again. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please withdraw your submission immediately via Submittable. if another publication beats us to your work. We try to respond to submissions within four months, but please understand that the volume of submissions may require us to take longer.

Contest Guidelines
LitMag's Virginai Woolf Award for Short Fiction, 3,000 - 8,000 words.

LitMag's Anton Chekhov Award for Flash Fiction, 500 to 1,500 words.

LitMag's Emily Dickinson Award for Poetry, up to 3 poems.

See individual contest guidelines below.

We look forward to reading your work. Thank you for submitting.

By submitting to LitMag you agree to let us send you e-mail of interest to writers who submit. We send very few emails. And you may opt out at any time.


Bard Books, an independent book publisher, is affiliated with LitMag.  Visit

Submissions open: 2/1 to 5:31; 9/1 to 12/31


Full guidelines available at

Send one of the following as one submission to Bard Books:

-a novel

-a collection of short stories

-a novella

-a chapbook


Full guidelines available at

Send one of the following as one submission to Bard Books:

- a full-length collection of poems

-a chapbook


Full guidelines available at

Send one of the following as one submission to Bard Books:

-Full-length work: on literature, art, music philosophy etc; biography, memoir, a mix, and more

-Collection: creative nonfiction; essays on literature, art, music philosophy, nature etc.; biography, memoir, a mix, etc.


Submit a Chapbook containing poetry, fiction, or CNF, or a mix.

Up to 35 pages.

LitMag publishes fiction up to 15,000 words. Please send one story at time.


No restrictions on style or form. Make us think, make us feel.

Send up to 3 poems, all in one file.



Creative nonfiction, essays, or what you will

on literature, art, and culture, music, philosophy; biography, memoir.

Up to 15,000 words. Please send one work at a time in Word.


Send one of the following:

-Online FICTION: send 1 short story at a time

-Online POETRY: send up to 3 poems

-Online NONFICTION: send 1 piece of nonfiction (essay, creative nonfiction, etc.)

